Pandemic Global Exhibition
“Once Upon a Time in 2020… Children’s Art during the Pandemic” Global Exhibition
The Coronavirus outbreak has been a unique time in our lives. Many of us may have experienced new things, taken up new hobbies, found new ways to communicate with friends and family and to learn.
Following the story of Isabella and Christopher, children from all over the world have expressed through art their thoughts and feelings during this exceptional time.
Click on each box below to discover what has changed or remained the same for these children and what makes them feel happy, sad, scared, hopeful and longing.
Thank you to all who are contributing to the exhibition, individuals, community groups and schools.
We have received art from (in alphabetical order): Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Dubai, Estonia, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya Kuwait, Mexico, Nigeria, Singapore, Slovakia, Switzerland, Thailand, UK, USA.
We are still accepting works from children around the world, please submit it here.