This is how the young artists imagine the world and themselves after the Coronavirus pandemic. What can you see in these pictures?
Joleen (9) Mexico ‘My Dream Trip’
I have not gone to Disney because I could not renew my passport, after 4 years I finally got it. The covid happened, when it finishes I want to go.
Evelyn (9) India “Me and my bff onMars”
I hope that someday COVID-19 will go and we can all have a bright and happy future
Isabella (10) Mexico ‘Walking Dog’
When bad things come in your life you need to see the bright sight of things cause you never know what can pass in the future.
Caleb (6) Honduras “After Coronavirus”
After Coronavirus you can go to the school and see you friends but you can’t no hug their.
Helene (13) England ‘Sun in the Set’
After sunset it is sunrise. There is time for sadness, There is time for joy.
Vir (10) Nigeria ‘What is That?’
In this drawing people, animals, and the Sun have forgotten about everything except from themselves, because everybody was in lockdown. The person doesn’t remember anything about the bird, bird has little understanding of the human and the Sun has the best understanding of the human.
Maria Jose (5) Mexico, _See my Friends Soon_
I drew about something I wish with all my heart, when the pandemic is over I want to see my friends and they come to play with me at home.
Mohamed (10) Nigeria “After Coronavirus”
Before COVID-19 we didn’t appreciate going out of the house. After COVID-19 we should know the value of going out.
Galia (4) Mexico El COVID “Abandona las Ciudades y el Mar (Covid Abandons the Cities and the Sea)”
Nuestra esperanza rendirá frutos. (Our hope will bear fruit.)
Juan José (10) Honduras “The 1st thing I will do when everything is back to normal”
This drawing is where I went before the pandemic and would like to go there again after the pandemic.
Michele Mariane (7) Honduras “Let’s Take Care of Our Earth!”
Taking care of earth has become more important tan ever before, to make a better world together after COVID-19.
Sathvika (12) India ‘Lonely Companions’
My art illustrates a creativity of pets and emotions. Here our friendliest companions are waiting to be adopted by new caretakers, since the pandemic has cruelly brought loneliness into their lives by ending their former masters lives.
Aqil (16) UAE ‘Face of Wonders’
Changes are inevitable…whether its in ourselves… or its around us…we can either live life and enjoy it as it comes… or we can live with the familiar face of the past…
Turvi (9) India “Covid-19”
Art is a skill which everyone knows so in this drawing that I have made express that what will be the conditions of not human only even aliens ! after covid -19
Diego (7) Honduras “My before, during, and after Coronavirus”
This is my art work. I did it all by myself. I hope you like what I did. We will get out of our house when Coronavirus is done.
Adrejaa (8) India ‘Free like a Bird Again’
Another chance that we have got to take care of the Mother earth, our Home…..Lets be free like the Birds and freeing our Home from all the enemies.
Andres (7) Honduras Life “After Coronavirus”
Life after coronavirus will be happy and we will able to do everything we did before
Ameya (4) India ‘Rebirth of nature’
This pandemic era was also an opportunity for the nature to return from blackness of pollution and exploitation to colorfullness of new life.
Marco (10) Honduras “Meeting with friends again”
This are my friends that I saw them in a crazy party custom and they could not resist taking a picture with me.
Marco (7) Honduras “Family and Friends for Ever”
Family and friends will be forever and hard times will end
How can I add my work to the exhibition? Trance Arja
Hi Arja, you can submit your work filling the form here:
A wonderful piece of art works by Kids around the world .Really impressive
Hi sirs,
I am Sarp Oksuz from Turkey. I am 9 years old boy and have been painting for about 3 years.I shared 3 of my pictures about pandemic period. Did You take it?